Saturday, February 13, 2010


We celebrated Luke turning 1 week old with a photoshoot at our house. A local photographer (and now friend) Jenny Hintze took these amazing pics of Luke!! There are more to come, but these are the one's on her blog right now! I LOVE them!! She is an amazingly talented photographer and her love for newborns shows so much through her patience with Luke (and his parents). He was supposed to close his eyes a lot more, but he definately likes to stay awake and be a part of all the action, especially at night right now. We are working on teaching him the difference between sleeping at night and day and how better it is to sleep at night! I'll post more pics when she gets them up.


mindy said...

The pictures look great! She did our pics of Landon's 1st year and did an awesome job.
Good luck with the sleeping thing. We are working on Joshua not waking up every hour wanting Mommy to hold him (breaking the habit from Grandma's visit - you'll see!!) :)

Unknown said...

Wow! Those are great pics! He's precious. It makes me even more excited to meet our little Kie!

mindy said...

Alright - ready for more updates ;)