My first Mother's Day was wonderful! I got to spend it with my little man and my mom! It is a little harder to juggle your own mother's day when you are the children's minister and have parent/child commitment, but it worked out pretty good. I sure was tired at the end of the day though! My parents came in town for the weekend and watched Luke during the morning when Mark and I went to church early. They got him ready and met us at church.
Mark and I spoke together for a few minutes to our families and parents about the role they play in their child's "God Story." We also told a few funny stories of our first few months of being parents. We challenged all parents to write a letter to their child by Father's Day to be given to them at some point in the future (wedding, graduation, when become a Christian, etc.)
Mark and Luke....aren't they cute!?!
Mark and Luke....aren't they cute!?!