My first Mother's Day was wonderful! I got to spend it with my little man and my mom! It is a little harder to juggle your own mother's day when you are the children's minister and have parent/child commitment, but it worked out pretty good. I sure was tired at the end of the day though! My parents came in town for the weekend and watched Luke during the morning when Mark and I went to church early. They got him ready and met us at church.
Mark and I spoke together for a few minutes to our families and parents about the role they play in their child's "God Story." We also told a few funny stories of our first few months of being parents. We challenged all parents to write a letter to their child by Father's Day to be given to them at some point in the future (wedding, graduation, when become a Christian, etc.)
Mark and Luke....aren't they cute!?!
Mark and Luke....aren't they cute!?!
I know I am a little biased, but I really think Luke is the cutest little boy I have ever seen! He looks so much like you, but I can totally see Mark too! I hope that our families can hang out soon. I want our kids to grow up together and fall in love. :) I'm so glad you had a happy Mother's Day! You deserve it! Love you friend!
Love that you are blogging! Yay! Love reading about what's going on and seeing all the cute pictures of your little man...and you and Mark of course!
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